Entries by firewallUnited Arab Emirates - UAEadmin

Ransomware = Biggest Threat to Cloud, Data and Enterprise Infrastructures

According to the “Vectra 2019 Spotlight Report on Ransomware”, recent ransomware attacks have cast a wider net to ensnare cloud, data center and enterprise infrastructures. Cybercriminals are targeting organizations that are most likely to pay larger ransoms to regain access to files encrypted by ransomware. The cost of downtime due to operational paralysis, the inability […]

Enterprise security: When new technologies bring new threats

The digital revolution took over the world a few years ago and only now have we begun adjusting to its dynamics. In the event of digital solutions like cloud, analytics and now artificial intelligence enabling fast tracking of processes, we can no longer ignore the potential repercussions, if improperly deployed. A notable observation is the […]

Guarding the firewall: Ensuring cyber security for small businesses

The India Risk Survey 2017 report ranks ‘Information & Cyber Insecurity’ as the biggest risk facing Indian companies. Indian organizations, both public and private, had witnessed over 27,000 incidents of security threat, from January 2017 till June 2017 alone. Phishing, scanning/probing, website intrusions and defacements, virus/malicious code, ransomware, Denial of Service attacks, and data breaches […]

Ransomware: Impact and action plan for Indian businesses

In May last year, the world woke up to headlines of mass ransomware attacks impacting countries, individuals and organizations. Investigations identified WannaCry as the culprit and proliferation of this ransomware, in a signific antnumber of cases, appeared to have been through a route that most of us tend to overlook – use of expired/pirated software. […]